* Highlights the structural organisation of power in each business.
* Slim’s part of the table is a single large block with one chair at one end of it. This represents Slim’s autrocratic leadership style.
* The texture used on Slim’s part of the table is linear and spans from one end to the other. This is meant to highlight the fact that Slim has a huge amount of control over the business and allows little space for interaction between himself and his workers.
* Tata’s part of the table is divided into four equal parts. None of these parts are the central focus of the table. This represents Tata’s democratic leadership style.
* The texture used on Tata’s part of the table is many arrows pointing in all directions. This is meant to highlight the interaction that goes on between all people involved in the business.

* Shaped like an oversized throne.
* Intended for use by Slim only which is a symbol of his autocratic power.
* Moves slowly towards the meeting space which represents that Slim has not had to work as hard as Tata to achieve a similar level of power and influence.

* Accessible from all sides.
* Large enough to comfortably fit Tata and his representatives.
* Symbol for the democratic organisation of Tata’s business.
* It is in the centre of the highest part of Tata’s space as it is the place where the best collaborative efforts end up.
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