Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Captures of Final Environment

The central focus of the meeting space is the dining table which is lit up to draw each of the men to the table. As the two men move towards the table, the room transforms, letting natural light into the room and allowing access to inspiring views.
Slim’s opulent, oversized and well-lit space where only he is intended to work. He works at his own pace. He has been handed his power without having to work hard for it and as a result he lives a lavish lifestyle. He has little involvement with his workers and he leads them through intimidation.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Elevators and Dining Table
* Highlights the structural organisation of power in each business.
* Slim’s part of the table is a single large block with one chair at one end of it. This represents Slim’s autrocratic leadership style.
* The texture used on Slim’s part of the table is linear and spans from one end to the other. This is meant to highlight the fact that Slim has a huge amount of control over the business and allows little space for interaction between himself and his workers.
* Tata’s part of the table is divided into four equal parts. None of these parts are the central focus of the table. This represents Tata’s democratic leadership style.
* The texture used on Tata’s part of the table is many arrows pointing in all directions. This is meant to highlight the interaction that goes on between all people involved in the business.

* Shaped like an oversized throne.
* Intended for use by Slim only which is a symbol of his autocratic power.
* Moves slowly towards the meeting space which represents that Slim has not had to work as hard as Tata to achieve a similar level of power and influence.

* Accessible from all sides.
* Large enough to comfortably fit Tata and his representatives.
* Symbol for the democratic organisation of Tata’s business.
* It is in the centre of the highest part of Tata’s space as it is the place where the best collaborative efforts end up.
Design Concepts for the 3 Spaces
* Has had many opportunities handed to him.
* Power through intimidation and corruption.
* Distanced from his workers by a long corridor.
* His workspace is clearly superior to his workers spaces.
* His workers are fearful of him.
* A moving light leads the way to Slim’s end of the space.
* He travels to the meeting space alone.
* Strives for growth through honesty, hard work and collaboration with his workers.
* Treats his workers as equal, values their ideas.
* Space organised to enhance discussion between Tata’s team.
* Tata’s workers work individually in a space not far away from the central meeting space. This space is open, colourful and not at all threatening. The working spaces face inwards to a large tree in the centre. This represents to common goal of growth that Tata’s team works towards.
* Workers are free to make the short trip to the central meeting space (known by Tata’s team as the ‘Brainstorm’) to share and develop their ideas with others.
* The best collaborative ideas formed in the ‘Brainstorm’ are taken up to the meeting space via the elevator by Tata and 3 of his team representatives.
Meeting Space
* Slim’s path to the meeting space is short and easy.
* Tata must travel further to the space and overcome obstacles which represent the real life obstacles he has had to work hard to overcome in order to establish his company as a global organisation.
* The stairs that Tata walks down to the meeting space highlight the power that he has gained through hard work.
* In this space, despite the differences in the way they run their businesses, Tata and Slim are very much equals.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Draft Evironment 2
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Newspaper articles about clients
From 'Tata Steel Bags Corus--But at What Price?'- BusinessWeek, 31/1/2007
Of the acquisition of Corus Group- "This is the first big step that the Indian industry has taken in the international marketplace and equipped itself as a global player," said Rata Tata, the patriarch and chairman of the Tata Group. "The underlying driver for the acquisition was that, if you are hungry for growth, you look at national and overseas boundaries."
Zhang Yin
From 'Woman tops list of China's richest'- Reuters, 11/10/2006
"The entrepreneur, who controlled 72 percent of Nine Dragons as of August 31, has lapped up a 165 percent rally in the company's stock, according to an annual survey compiled by Rupert Hoogewerf, who pioneered a list for Forbes.
Cheung's stellar ascent is rare in a country whose largest corporations are state-owned or run by well-connected male executives."
Carlos Slim
From 'Mexico's new robber barons'- International Herald Tribune, 27/8/2007 http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/08/27/opinion/edporter.php
" In 1990, the government of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari sold his friend Slim the Mexican national phone company, Telmex, along with a de facto commitment to maintain its monopoly for years. Then it awarded Telmex the only nationwide cell phone license.
When competitors were eventually allowed in, Telmex kept them at bay with some rather creative gambits, like getting a judge to issue an arrest warrant for the top lawyer of a competitor. Today, it still has a 90 percent share of Mexico's landline phone service and controls almost three-quarters of the cellphone market."
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Five Captures of Final UT2004 Environment
Meeting space. The brightness of this space suggests one is free from the draining hold of addiction however a sense of being trapped lingers with the walls suggesting a cage-like structure.
Inside Darwin's space. Feelings of helplessness arise when one looks up at the world that is beyond his reach. He instead feels trapped in a narrowing and dark space.